Now that Fall is quickly descending upon us, it's time to have one more gathering before we hibernate for the Winter! Come enjoy 2-3 mile hike, followed by a pot-luck at Ken's home, and catch up with the happenings of your fellow club members. If the warm weather continues, I may change this to a bike and potluck (no)!
Please bring yourself, a good pair of hiking or walking shoes, a main dish, appetizer, or dessert to share. Please BYOB/BYOW. I will provide non- alcoholic beverages, paper products, etc...
When: Saturday, 11/5/16
Hike: Penitentiary Glen Reservation
Location: Off Kirtland-Chardon road, just west of Booth Road in Kirtland.
time: 4PM
***please be on time for the hike, so we don't run out of daylight*** If it rains, the hike will be cancelled and meet at Ken's at 6PM for pot-luck
Pot-Luck: Ken's home. 7577 Roselawn Dr. Mentor 44060 (440-381-7026 cell or 440 255 0369 home)
Start: 6 PM - ? (please park in driveway or on side of street opposite fire hydrants)
Please RSVP by 11/4/16 if you will be hiking so I know how many people to expect.
Thanks and I hope to see you there!!!!